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Let us go to war. Please read. 

Hold on bought to catch ya up to speed.

Let us go to war. Please read. 

It is important connected to United Nations LGBQT movement in social workers.. I am trying to post this about a Minnesota social worker kidnapped kid from medical facility. . TG stands for transgender. Now they say it's temporary graduate. Hahaha.. no such thing. This Social Services Worker Makes no sense at all... TG in social services work stands for Transgender. Yet here it lists on license TG means a Temporary Graduate. Which Honestly Makes NONSENSE!!!! Temporary graduate? So that's the same as saying FUCKING FAILURE, YOU FAILED, YOU'RE A LOSER, YOU ARE A FAILURE. INSTEAD OF KIDNAPPING KIDS FROM HOSPITALS DO PARENTS A REAL KINDNESS AND KILL YOURSELF. OH WORDS HURT, GOOD THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO. THEY HURT YOUR PRECIOUS FEELINGS. GOOD CAUSE YOU ARE PUSSY AND APPARENTLY A FAGGOT ARTIFICIAL FEMALE. FAKE. EVER HEARD: STICKS AND STONES WILL BREAK MY BONES. BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME. PLEASE PIECE CRAP ATTORNEYS AND PROSECUTORS SHOW A BRUISE, SHOW DAMAGE WHICH WOULD HAVE TO OCCUR. FOR PROVABLE HARM. CANT DO IT CAUSE THERE IS NO VICTIM. THAT MEANS YOU VIOLSTE YOUR ETHICS AND MORALS OF PROFESSIONAL LICENSES. NOT JUST FRAUD, NOT JUST EMBEZZLEMENT. BUT FALSELY REPRESENTING ONES SELF AS THE ARTIFICIAL AND FAKE STATE AND ONESSELF AS VICTIM. MAKING SUPPOSED VICTIM WHO IS NO VICTIM A WITNESS TO STATES CLAIM OF DAMAGE. STATE PLEASE REPORT TO COURTROOM. MISLEADING A JURY, DISMISSING AND MISAPPROPRIATING THE NUMBER OF JURORS TO BE 12. 13 IS REQUIRED TO AVOID STALEMATE. NOT TO INCLUDE TESTIMONY, SEPERATION PARENT, MALICIOUS PROSECUTION, INTERFERENCE BY THE COURT AS THIRD PARTY CONTACT VIOLATING ITS OWN ISSUED PROTECTION ORDER. WHICH ALSO VIOLATES NATURAL LAW, BY NATURAL PARENT AND PERJURED CASE 3 DIFFEREMT TIMES. I DIDNT MISS CONFLICT OF INTEREST HARPERS OR YOUR RUN FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND YOUR POSITION WITH STATE DEPT EDUCATION. USING CIVILIAN AS CASUALTIES OF LEGAL PROCESS AND WAR BY GOVT CLAIM AGAINST CIVILIANS . OH DAMN. AT LEAST LIZ WAS BRIGHT ENOUGH TO JUMP OFF THE CASE. HILARIOUS FEDERSL AGENT AND FAMILY PLAYING FBI CYBERCRIMES TRAINER BOONE.COUNTY.. A CONVICTED MULTI VICTIM CHILD PREDATOR ALSO DEPT OF USDA. HMMM I KNOW WHO TO CALL. I HAVE AN EXTENSIVE ATTORMEY CHILD NETWORK AS WELL AS CEMETARY CONNECTIONS. ANYONE NOTICE ALL THE REPORTED DEATHS. YET NOT A SINGLE CEMETARY GREW IN SIZE TO ACCOMODATE ANY OF ALL THEM REPORTED DEATHS. CREMATIRIES MUST BE WORKING 24 HOURS 7, DAYS A WEEK JUST TO CATCH UP. LUCKILY I HAVE MORTICIAN UNIT. HOLE CARD I NOW CHOOSE TO PLAY IN BATTLE. NOT THE CARD YA EXPECTED, INSTANT DEATH CARD IN POLITICS,IN CAREERS, AND LICENSES WITH PERMANANCY TERMINATION BY LOSS OF LIFE. ON THIS SITE SEARCH HIDDEN NAME VICTORIA THOMPSON AND Notice TG. This was Minnesota social services worker search... Who is Chicago Kathleen Judith children's book writer.. connected to Utah transport company for children.. registered in California consumer affairs site DCA.ca.gov site. Also identified Alberta canada. Connected to CYBERCRIMES TRAINER Eric nelson convicted child predator also known as Eric niemeyer USDA dept agriculture and taskforce agent and ATF. Hmm pedophiles disarming Americans. Now that makes perfect sense. So they have the guns taking over every country and America the last stand.. lock and load up. We ain't going down, we ain't gonna fall, over dead body for I shall not ever bow down to pedo. We can have war drugs which was a war on people. . Worked so good til legalized matijuana proving all them wrongful convictions that drugs are not illegal. PEDOS bring the drugs to set people up for INPRISONMENT, take away their guns to cheaply provide food and their personal security . All by PEDOS preplanned take over united nations. Hmmm why not a war on PEDOS and make America the safe place for children and families. Without united nations. Bet divorce and suicide rates would drop significantly.



Hold on bought to catch ya up to speed.

Well miss luck. I know a woman with skillz. You know back when I was in preschool and kindergarten living in the town of Wellsville, Missouri.. growing up my best friend was a gentleman who was deaf. My other good friend was the blonde girl from the Catholic church just down the road. A little girl, who never seemed to fit in with her family the pastor.. My deaf friend.. he would each week would purchase a simple lamp with a white shade. He kept acrylic paint set around.. each day or every three together we would paint upon the lamps shade a Disney scene.. often times it would be Donald duck or Pluto for a small scene walking across a background of a fence, house, a tree. Those same lamps seem it children's rooms later was mass produced into production. Just a small little thing it would seem, a hobby, a way to earn extra few dollars to pay the bills.. Do you remember the hand painted porcelain hand painted green trees with light covers placed as lights upon it. Did I mention in the base was a single light bulb which lit it from the inside making the lights shine upon its surface... 100's and 100's of those trees were painted and sold all around the area and grew from there. Many those trees are still around, not sure if the many of the originals still exist. Small town business. Since we was kicked out of Wellsville due to ol boy getting stabbed in front yard and then cops harassing us. We moved the operation to New Franklin out of store front business.. The boys all getting together going in together in finances buying houses and coming in fixing the places up and rent or resale. Bigger buildings being divided into apartment buildings.. as a tree we grew further and further outward. Til they took over all four corners of the country. Buying establishing restaurants, owning houses new and old.

The old heads remember respectfully their silent partners, the youngins have never earned the respect and forget the work it took to have what they have.. the children have grown disrespectful and unruly. The officers have grown accustomed to handling the children running them here and there, burning them to train the other officers as they choose.. the balance has been broken and economics has been tilted for a reason.. in truth all I did was reveal the truth that cops couldn't investigate if their life depended upon it. Hell like apartment fire over Chevy Chase apartments (,hmmm, not hard to figure out owner that place or Chappelle lake either). The cops overlooked the one piece evidence which would have told them who was physically or who devices were in the apt at the time of the fire occurred.. I don't know if that evidence could even be retrieved now.. To know that answer... The prosecutor doesn't represent the murdered person or their family.. in fact the only reason they prosecute is so that attorney county and state can steal from the children and grandchildren the retirement funds, investments, anything which was to go to their family. By county and by state.. remember in county sits recorder of deeds and estates, a state is an estate of the citizens the ones who built it, paid for the building development of it. One was by money, the other was by time.. but people always forget bout the laborers figuring them paid.. many times paid as little as possible.. and forgotten... I am surprised Saphyre having heard me say many times.. a king without a plumber, therefore is the plumber, otherwise the King will have to pay a plumber to fix his crap.. Remember always to make amends along the way. Which is why life travels to and from, meaning every bridge we cross, we will have to cross again. The troll under the bridge attitude depends upon how they was treated when we pass the first time in our travels of life.. According to constitutional law book obtained thru the library an officer whether city, county, state, or federal can and will go lose their job and go to federal prison. Watch Matilda 1996 in movies they state the facts and sort of tell you where to find that information.. The answers are all around everyone everyday in the radio music, the television, in everyday life the answers are all around you.. Slow down, worry less, smelll the roses, even Mr bell is under control. South Western bell original telephone company and the two lesbians who control over all the contracts retired from the company covering Missouri to California, Texas, Washington, etc... What's happening right now is what had to be done in banking and finance. There is only one way to fight the inflated dollar. And stabilize the takeover of American finances. We bailed the banks out last time at the cost of others allowed them to not take charges...then politics using COVID which is in fact and confirmed pesticide poisoning with glyphpspate GMO working together against the body immune system. Put the two together and retest on animals. Combined with the birth control hormones in the water supply. Hmmm, hormones these pedo work in hormones and their acting under dept agriculture and animal husbandry to breed children. While also playing they have sexual addiction.. which is why passions will be dismantled by incorporated and sold off. The electrical vehicle environmental cause will be suddenly slammed to the ground under production of world killing poisoning of ground, water, soil, and people. Exactly the same thing as the train derailments to push the hand of president to war. They want a war to recompensate insurance investment to zero out their accounting . Which in fact does prove premeditation, also pulmonX company major investment with pre knowledge for the crimes agsinst the world connected to murders in mass.. reference two things. The number deaths in Nazi Germany and the world death to COVID vaccine and in fact misdiagnosed of pneumonia and acute respiratory. These don't kill people, people don't die from these things . Beware everyone was given a moral choice tween profiting and saving lives. Hypocritical Oath violations all the way moral and ethics professionalism . They fired and removed all the ethical ones. Prepare cause they being very quiet in regards to 6200 or 2600 doctors of ethical and moral values. Cause they been shifted to world law.. as I said this required counsel crimes against humanity and against the world level. Remember airport overseas evacuated. The only reason ever we would abandon protecting our resources, especially with what's happening is we are under attack at home land. Imagine Ukraine invasion during crop planting season and beeline by Russian to Chenobyl meltdown reactor to obtain nuclear material of mass amount. Which goes in connection to nuclear medicine isotope barrrium. Did you know only in production of barium is by product flouride

Add carbon dioxide and produced Flouride the inate caustic agent flourine.. For years plumbers have known of the calcium buildup in water pumped into homes Hmm, normal water does not have calcium or lime buildup. So the two together comes to only one understanding. Body disposal and they have had us drinking it. Your disease are caused by phosphates otherwise known as poop, shit. In naval S.H.I.T. partially means Store High Ignitable Trash. On ships what's known as water towers on land would be shit tank on ocean.. known as grey water. All this issue came from Martin Luther King ordeal as distraction to America by foreign nations called united nations under claim to raise the wages of union workers which resulted in stealing heavy metals and steel from America and closing it's foundries especially Indiana michigan and such. Destroyed our economy for the expensive economy transporting of the world.. nobody realize that was an attack cause niggers with I got a dream and civil rights smoke screen while industrial espionage sabotage was occuring behind the scenes.. I have always been known as fourth horse. Right now requires a death toll and they want it for their financials. So I say to Nero, you want death, then death you shall have but it will be the death of your own instead of these innocent people. It is dea who controls drug transportation and supply. So therefore all drugs charges seeded as war against the people never was a war on drugs but a world level war upon people and land and take over for control of the country. These child en taken for a reason to cause next domestic terrorist event so they can claim insurance Which main insurance company has been made aware. So good luck to them and to Missouri Govenor who was required to fly to Geneva to explain himself to world investors REIT. AND orders from president to us health and human services combined with pre plan business claim for funding by state medical boards for double the victims next year. And Parsons healthcare compass property and medical enrichment and placement of people under Medicaid and Medicare govt control over the people intent at take over and control by representative elect board thru national GOVENORS association for union address president and conspired action treason. The vaccine was and is DNA OVERWRITE like computer programmer scripter Eric nelson and child torture and mad scientist experimentation which will destroy Monsanto and the blue foreign corruption and South America too. This has always been about food and notice the ring of Capricorn and cancer in the world. The growing food belt of the north and the south. Now reimagine the civil war and 100 year war as bank accounting and investments. Investments which foresight unless undue influence has occurred. Now look at all their investments cause they never lose. Target locked stock market price fixing, and embezzlements in massive scale. Who was once rich, shall now be poor and we will be hitting the county boards members in direct lawsuits.. knocking them out of hiding into public eye with information of crimes against children and families to profit themselves and steal from individual people and farmers too by city growth. I wonder how many were forced to give up their property. Inc and corp entities failed to realize any under 7 person has immunity from takeover by the other two. They seem to have forgotten who they serve and who created a job for them to fill...they need us, we don't need them.. fact

Remember he who takes life, can also give life.. imagine one horseman against the other three..

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